I’m back to work

I’m back! Moved in a new house, already set up my “working desk” (will post pictures later) and I’m almost ready to go at it again (I just need to clean up and stop playing video games).

I went to the Tampa Comic Con last week and met Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo), and Rory McCan (The Hound!) and it was AWESOME. They were humble, nice, and very personable. It was definitely a memorable experience!

I’m going to start making custom figurines again but this time I’m going to focus on personalized heads. For example, I’m going to make a Storm Trooper or a Robb Stark, and add your head there, and so on. Maybe I can sell some, but first I need to make some. Thanks for visiting!!

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